
For those who are willing to get financial assistance to attend EYFDM events, The EYFDM Fund has been created. It supports young GPs in taking part in the EYFDM Preconference, WONCA Conference and EYFDM Forum. You can get a bursary that will cover some of the costs of your travel and registration fees. The call for bursary applications opens a few months before each event. If you are a newcomer and you have never attended the EYFDM event before, your chance of getting a bursary is better, but if it’s not your first time, try as well since you
have nothing to lose!

EYFDM Fund Bursaries

The money in the EYFDM Fund is protected and dedicated to provide bursaries. We use the EYFDM Fund especially to support those who have low income, as well as those who are new to EYFDM in the hopes that they would be inspired to become active members in the long term, aiding in spreading the EYFDM Spirit across Europe.

Launched in 2012 at the initiative of EYFDM Past President Sven Streit, the EYFDM Fund Bursaries have helped many new and future family doctors to attend such meetings.

How to apply?

Applications open at least once a year, ahead of the event. You will be required to fill in an application form and follow the instructions provided therein. 

How to support?

Any donations you give us are 100% used for the EYFDM Fund, and therefore 100% given to new or low-income members to be able to participate! The more donations we receive, the more we can support our members.

Individual donations and the purchase of the “I Support the EYFDM Fund” badge can usually be made at the EYFDM booth during the WONCA Europe Conferences and EYFDM events.

National Colleges, Scientific Associations and Junior GP/FM Associations are also welcomed to make donations to the Fund. 

If you wish to make a donation, contact us. We will be more than happy to guide you and provide any information.


We extend our gratitude to all individual GPs/FPs who have so far supported the Fund through donations, as well as the additional support generously provided by:

WONCA Europe

The College of Family Physicians in Poland (CFPiP)

Jungen Haus-und KinderärztInnen (JHaS)

Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine (SGAIM/ SSMIG/SSGIM)


