Past Events

Past Forums

1st – Barcelona 2014 – 1st Pan European meeting for trainees and junior Family Doctors, the EYFDM (then VdGM) Forum, 7th-8th February 2014 – #DesignThinking for Primary Care.

2nd – Dublin 2015

3rd – Jerusalem 2016

4rd – Strasbourg 2017

5th – Porto 2018

6th – Torino 2019

7th – Edinburgh 2022

8th – Vienna 2024 – 12 and 13 April 2024 – “Together we grow, building a healthy future”

Past Pre-Conferences

28th WONCA Europe 2023 Brussels, Belgium – 6 and 7 June 2023 – theme: “You can’t always get what you want”

27th WONCA Europe 2022 London, UK – 27 and 28 June 2022 – theme: “Primary Care in a Global Community’”

26th WONCA Europe 2021 Amsterdam, Netherlands – 5 and 6 June 2021 – theme: “Do you dare to look in the mirror?”

25th WONCA Europe 2020 Berlim, Germany 23 and 24 June 2020 – theme: “Wind of Change in Family Medicine”

24th WONCA Europe 2019 Bratislava, Slovakia – 25 and 26 June 2019

23rd WONCA Europe 2018 Krakow, Poland – 24 and 25 May 2018 – theme: “GP – more than a specialist”
22nd WONCA Europe 2017 Prague, Czech Republic
21st WONCA Europe 2016 Copenhagen, Denmark

20th WONCA Europe 2015 İstanbul, Turkey – 1st meeting with fellow WONCA YDM (Young Doctor Movement) from all over the world

19th WONCA Europe 2014 Lisbon, Portugal – Preconference 1st and 2nd of July 2014 – 10th EYFDM/VdGM Anniversary Preconference

WONCA World 2013 Prague, Czech Republic – Preconference 24th-25th June 2013; Jointly organised by the EYFDM (then VdGM), the Rajakumar Movement, the Waynakay Movement, the Spice Route and the First Five Years in Family Practice in Canada, open to trainees and junior General Practitioners / Family Physicians (GPs/FPs), up to five years after their qualification.

Vienna 2012

Warsaw 2011

Malaga 2010

Basel 2009

Istanbul 2008

Paris 2007

Florence 2006

See information on past conferences on Wonca Europe website.