Liaisons keep us up to date on developments in other regions, organizations and networks allowing for better collaboration and sharing of useful information.
Current collaborations
- WONCA YDM ASPIRE Global Leaders Program
- European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC)
- European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN)
- European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Practice (EQuiP)
- European Academy of Teachers in General Practice/Family Medicine (EURACT)
- The European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association (EURIPA)
- European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice (EUROPREV)
- Primary Care Diabetes Europe (PCDE)
ASPIRE Global Leaders Program has been developed to augment medical student, resident, and junior GP/FP staff all-around akills while simultaneously increasing their involvement within their national organizations and WONCA.
The name ASPIRE is a mnemonic with the letters representing its foundation:
Academics, Students, Pre-conferences, International collaboration, Research/Residents, Exchanges.
This program aims to improve each participant’s individual capabilities and then use these newly forged skills to help others. The goal is that each participant becomes personally invested in the program for the improvement of junior WONCA members and beyond.
Theypropose a tiered program, with ASPIRE levels 1-3, as well as an ASPIRE-Instructor level available to any participant meeting the proposed criteria. This step-wise progression serves to guide participants through achievement of desired goals of the program, the creation of a more enriched experience, and the potential to progress to the next tier.
Liaison : Maria João Nobre (Portugal)
The European Forum for Primary Care aims to improve the health of the population by promoting strong Primary Care. This is done by advocating for Primary Care, by generating data and evidence on Primary Care and by exchanging information between its members. The EFPC seeks to expand its membership and thereby to become a leading force for strengthening Primary Care in Europe.
Liaison: vacant
EGPRN is the WONCA Europe Network for Research. The European General Practice Research Network is an organisation of general practitioners and other health professionals involved in research in primary care and family medicine. Its aim is to provide a suitable setting in which to discuss and develop research in primary care; to foster and coordinate multinational studies, to exchange experiences and to develop a validated scientific basis for general practice. In addition, EGPRN also offers general practitioners a chance to meet foreign colleagues prompting local and international research collaboration.
Liaison: vacant
EQuiP is the WONCA Europe Network for Quality and Safety. The aim of EQuiP is to contribute to the achievement of high levels of quality and safety of care for patients in general practice in all European countries. EQuiP offers a structure for collaboration and exchange of expertise and methodology and initiates projects on development and evaluation with regard to Quality Improvement and Quality Management and Development.
Liaison: Sophie Scott(United Kingdom)
The European Academy of Teachers in General Practice (EURACT) was launched in March 1992. The overall aim of the Academy is “to foster and maintain high standards of care in European general practice by promoting general practice as a discipline by learning and teaching.” Since the launch of the Academy it has grown to be the largest personal membership organisation in Europe, with over 800 members in nearly 40 countries. EURACT is one of the WONCA Europe Networks.
Liaison : Sophie Sun (France)
The European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association (EURIPA), the WONCA Europe Network for Rural Health, is a unique body in that it is the first regional rural health organisation in the world. EURIPA’s principals are:
- Partnership, sharing and understanding
- Research and development
- Education and information
- Technology and innovation
- Promotion of health and elimination of health inequalities
- Development of cost effective, patient centred health care systems
- Dissemination of good practice
Email: Rasia Alvarez and Raquel Garcia Rodrigez
Blueprint for Rural Practice in Europe
Rural Seeds is a global network for students and young professionals interested in rural health.
EUROPREV is the WONCA Europe Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice. It aims to promote evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion in Family Medicine in Europe. Family Medicine is a complex discipline, and in the prevention field, there are often difficult decisions to be made with our patients. To screen or not to screen. To advise a behaviour change or not to advise. To prescribe a preventive drug or not to prescribe. The EUROPREV network is a space of debate for those who want to see beyond the smog and to discover what the best available scientific evidence shows us.
If you are a young family doctor (in the first five years after qualification as a family physician) and you have a special interest on evidence-based prevention and health promotion, feel free to join the EYFDM-EUROPREV collaboration. You may ask your national association/college to write you a letter of appointment as your country’s junior delegate in the EUROPREV Council and, thus, attend the yearly EUROPREV Forum for free.
Liaison : Marina Jotic Ivanovic (Bosnia)
Primary Care Diabetes Group (PCDE) is the WONCA Europe Special Interest Group on Diabetes. PCDE provides a focal point for primary care clinicians and their patients. Its purpose is to promote high standards of care throughout Europe. Emphasis is placed on incorporating evidence based medicine into daily practice as well as promoting diabetes education and research in primary care.
Liaison : Albert Bellvert