Category: Advocacy

  • Survey on Working Hours for Junior Doctors

    Survey on Working Hours for Junior Doctors

    Dear EYFDMians’

    We are reaching out to invite you to participate in a Survey on Working Hours for Junior Doctors, organised by the European Junior Doctors Association (EJD). EJD is a pan-European organisation representing junior doctors and advocating for better working conditions and training across Europe.

    This survey aims to gather valuable insights into the working hours of junior doctors across Europe. The data collected will help us better understand the challenges faced and advocate for sustainable working conditions.

    Survey link here:
    (It only takes 1 minute to complete!)

    Your input is essential. By disseminating and fostering participation, you’ll contribute to shaping policies that support doctors.

    Feel free to share this survey with your colleagues—every response makes a difference!

    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

    Thank you for your time and support!

  • EYFDM statement on the conflict in the middle east

    We, the European Young Family Doctors Movement (EYFDM), stand united in condemning violence inflicted upon healthcare professionals, patients, and healthcare facilities amidst the tragic conflict in Israel, Gaza and the wider Middle East. Attacks on doctors, patients, and hospitals are a violation of the values we uphold as medical professionals.

    Healthcare professionals dedicate their lives to serving others, often at great personal risk, bound by an ethical commitment to care for all people without prejudice. In times of crisis, these values are more essential than ever, as our work transcends political and ideological divides, prioritising health, humanity, and compassion above all.

    We consider that all parties involved in this conflict should respect healthcare spaces and ensure the safety and protection of all healthcare workers and the patients they serve. Hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel are neutral and must remain untouched by the violence that surrounds them. 

    EYFDM expresses its deepest solidarity with our colleagues and all individuals affected by conflict, reaffirming our commitment to uphold the principles of care, empathy, and respect for human life.

  • WONCA YDM & WP/SIG webinar – Violence against Female doctors

    WONCA YDM & WP/SIG webinar – Violence against Female doctors

    Coming next week, Sunday 8th December at 13:00 UTC a webinar on Violence against Female doctors organised by EYFDM and Women’s Health SIG with WONCA Working Party on Women’s and Family Medicine (WWPCWFM).

    Be sure to register here or scanning the qr code.


    Dr. Tehzeeb Zulfiqar – Australian National University Pakistan //Australia, South Asia

    I am a GP from Pakistan with extensive back ground of primary health care teaching and research. I am based in Australia for now, where I am working as a Fellow in Department of applied epidemiology at the Australian National University. My clinical practice is in Pakistan. I pioneered Department of Family Medicine at the Health Services Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan and launched Regional Diploma of Family Medicine in 2020. I moved to Australian in 2021, however, I am involved in teaching and research with Family Medicine faculties at the Health Services Academy and Khyber Medical University. In Australia, I teach first and second year medical students at the ANU Medical School. Most recently, I along with Dr Hina Jawaid and Dr Humaira Khattak authored a case study on violence against female doctors in Pakistan, for a book on “Sexual harassment and abuse doctors by doctors” which is right now at the Cambridge press. It is authored by Dr Louise Stone from the ANU.

    Official ANU page is Dr Tehzeeb Zulfiqar | ANU National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health

    Dr. Mary Robertson – EYFDM, UK, Europe; MBBS M.Sc B.Sc Hons UWI

    GP Registrar – Training in England, UK.
    Member of the Women’s Health SIG EYFDM (Special Interest Group of European Young Family Doctors Movement).
    UK Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Severn Faculty International Representative (Junior).
    WONCA EURIPA (European Rural and Isolated Practitioners Association) member.

    Dr. Abimbola Silva – Family Physician, W, Nigeria, Africa

    Family Physician with Special Interest in Intimate partner violence, also a member of the WONCA SIG Family Violence.

    Dr. Alejandra León – Waynakay, Colombia, South America

    Specialist in Family Medicine at the Miraflores Hospital. Lecturer in Medicine and Family Medicine UPTC. Representative of Waynakay Latin America to the CIMF. Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the SOCMEF.


    Dr. Helena Alonso – UK, Europe

    Family doctor (GP) in Cornwall, South West of Great Britain. Past chair of EYFDM Women’s health SIG and current EYFDM Policy officer. Member of WWPWFM Europe.

  • Support 2023 WONCA Global Five-Star Doctor Award’s clinic

    Support 2023 WONCA Global Five-Star Doctor Award’s clinic

    Recently WONCA shared a plea for support of the clinic that Dr. Suha Hamshari leads, read more below.

    Dear WONCA family,

    We are reaching out on behalf of Dr. Suha Hamshari, recipient of the 2023 WONCA Global Five-Star Doctor Award, who leads the Family Medicine Clinic at An-Najah National University in the West Bank. This clinic is a lifeline for thousands of patients and a vital training ground for future family doctors. However, it faces the risk of closure due to the devastating impact of the ongoing crisis in the region.

    Patients are unable to afford healthcare, as many are struggling just to feed their families. Physicians and nurses are going unpaid, medications are in short supply, and dangerous travel conditions are putting lives at risk. Despite these immense challenges, the clinic is working tirelessly to keep its doors open and provide care for those in need.

    Now, more than ever, they need 𝒐𝒖𝒓 help. The clinic is at a critical juncture, and without urgent donations, it may be forced to close its doors. As family doctors, we understand the essential role these clinics play in the health and well-being of communities. This is a call from one family doctor to our global community – let’s support our colleagues in the West Bank in their hour of need.

    To support An-Najah Family Medicine Clinic, donate now via the Foundation for Family Medicine in Palestine.

    You can see original post here, and can donate here.

    We would like to reiterate our echo of the WONCA statement on health professionals working in areas of conflict. We stand in strong solidarity with all young family doctors working in conflict zones as they serve their communities in a time of crisis, and we wish for peace to come swiftly.

    In the face of escalating tensions and violence around the world, WONCA seeks the global cessation of all violence as a solution to conflict and condemns both terrorism and oppression of vulnerable peoples everywhere. WONCA supports all health professionals working in areas of conflict and continues to call for particular attention to the protection of all patients and frontline health workers and any healthcare facility where persons go to seek aid for illness and injury.

    WONCA Statement on Health Professionals Working in Areas of Conflict

    See original post here.

  • Updates from the council meeting

    Updates from the council meeting

    Yesterday, the Council Meeting took place in the afternoon. In this packed meeting a new president and a new policy officer were elected, the location of the 10th forum was decided, amendments to the statutes, besides some regular administrative tasks (approving minutes, annual report and budget).

    Daria Gheorghe will be joining the executive as president-elect and Helena Alonso will be taking the baton from Ana Cristina as Policy Officer.

    An enormous thank you for all the work is due to Nick Mamo for the past 7 years of work on the executive and to Ana Cristina for advocating on topics relevant for young doctors, namely family-friendly events.

    Regarding the 10th forum, the decision of the council was to host the 2026 forum in Tallinn, Estonia. We are looking forward to meet there.

    We will have an opening in the executive, as Marika Svatošová is stepping down from the treasurer position. We thank her for the persistent efforts managing the work.

  • Statement on Current Conflicts in our Region

    With several wars affecting our region at the moment, EYFDM echoes the WONCA statement on health professionals working in areas of conflict. In particular we stand in strong solidarity with all young family doctors working in conflict zones as they serve their communities in a time of crisis, and we wish for peace to come swiftly.

    In the face of escalating tensions and violence around the world, WONCA seeks the global cessation of all violence as a solution to conflict and condemns both terrorism and oppression of vulnerable peoples everywhere. WONCA supports all health professionals working in areas of conflict and continues to call for particular attention to the protection of all patients and frontline health workers and any healthcare facility where persons go to seek aid for illness and injury.

    WONCA Statement on Health Professionals Working in Areas of Conflict

  • Expression of interest – Keynote Speakers – WE 2024

    Expression of interest – Keynote Speakers – WE 2024

    The Scientific Committee invites EYFDM members to submit an expression of interest to be 1 of a group of 4 Keynote Speakers in the Opening Ceremony Plenary Lecture, at the WONCA Europe Conference 2024 on Wednesday 25th September, 17.00-19.30.
    Each speaker will have 5 minutes to talk on CULTIVATING THE FUTURE of FAMILY MEDICINE.
    The two Keynote Speakers who have already confirmed their participation in the panel are Professor Karen Flegg (President of WONCA World) and Professor Shlomo Vinker (President of WONCA Europe).

    If you are interested, please submit a page with your info, a document with the text of your presentation, no longer than 5 minutes to speak, in easy English, and a sample video of you presenting a section (no longer than 1 min) and send the info to Professor Dr Andrée Rochfort’s email.

    Full call below:

  • The EYFDM Podcast

    The EYFDM Podcast

    We are happy to release our new Podcast!

    If you are on your way to the Vienna Forum have a listen. The third episode will be released next week, so make sure to subscribe to listen first hand!

    Please help us with your feedback once you are done listening to the first episodes. Be sure to also rate, review and share.
    We appreciate your feedback! Enjoy our podcast!

  • EYFDM Preconference – Abstract submission

    EYFDM Preconference – Abstract submission

    All preconference abstract submission should be done by emailing the following address:

    “The Organizing Committee of the WONCA  Preconference Dublin 2024 invites and encourages authors (including EYFDM, NEGs and NGPT members) to submit abstracts to be considered for inclusion in the programme in the format of workshops.

    Authors must follow the guidelines for abstract submission set out below. Abstracts not conforming to these guidelines will not be considered.

    • Language of the abstract: All abstracts must be submitted in English. If in doubt, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a native English speaker.
    • The language of the conference will be “easy English”.

    • Each delegate can submit and present up to 4 (four) abstracts but there is no limit to how many times they are listed as a co-author.
    • The submitting author of the abstract must be a presenting author (“the submitting author = the presenting author”).
    • The submitting (= presenting) author does not have to be the first author.
    • Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the presenting author(s) to present the work in-person at WONCA Preconference 2024 in Dublin, Ireland.
    • The submitter signs for all co-authors and accepts responsibility for the present rules for submission and presentation on behalf of all co-authors.
    • Any costs of presenting (including conference registration, travel, and accommodation) are the responsibility of the presenter, except where a WONCA bursary has been awarded.
    • Please ensure your speaker choices take into account the principles of equality, diversity and inclusivity.

    Note: Only the accepted submissions of fully registered presenters can be included in the final conference program.

    • Abstracts have to be written in English.
    • Presentations are not marketing opportunities for particular products or services, and submissions of this nature will not be considered.
    • Submissions should be no longer than 300 words.
    • Submissions should be text only. No diagrams, illustrations, tables, or graphics.
    • All submissions should follow the conference submission template:
    • Preconference Workshop abstract template”

    More info in the link below:

    If you are writing your abstracts here is a recorded webinar that you may find useful: