Latest News


    Abstract Submission Deadline is approaching fast and is set to 16 April 2023.

    The 62nd EQuiP Conference will take place in Dublin-Ireland between 12-13 May 2023. The preliminary Conference Programme can be viewed here.

    Our 2023 conference theme is to focus a spotlight on the wide range of quality activities in Europe, the “Hot Topics” of quality. Delegates will exchange knowledge and innovations, and this promotes future networking among professionals.

    We invite you to submit abstracts for short panel presentations within symposia to update colleagues on current and recent publications, projects and project proposals that shine a spotlight on quality of care in GP/FM. The abstracts can be based on your personal work, or the outputs of your institution or based on the work of colleagues in your national college / national WONCA Europe member organisation for GP/FM. The theme of each plenary symposium will be decided by abstracts received.

    We look forward to welcoming you to Dublin!

    Dr Andrée Rochfort, President of EQUIP
    ICGP Director of Quality Improvement


    We have 5 executive positions coming to the end of their terms at the June council meeting in Brussels. Elections will be held for the roles of SecretaryTreasurerAwards and Fundraising OfficerExchange Officer and Image Officer. Please find the relevant role descriptions by clicking on the links above, as well as the Elections Organisational Policy which details eligibility criteria and the elections process.

    Kerry Greenan will run for a second term as Secretary, and Marta Kurdzielewicz for second term as Awards and Fundraising Officer. The other roles are currently otherwise uncontested. However applications are welcome for all roles, regardless of whether current officers are standing for re-election.
    Please consider applying, and also share this with anyone who you think might be interested in applying for the roles! If you have any questions or would like to have a discussion with existing executive members, please email and this can be arranged.

    We invite eligible candidates to apply, by sending the following documents to by 6th May 2023. Successful candidates must be available to present their application at the Council Meeting on 5th June 2023.

    ○ Curriculum Vitae
    ○ Motivational Letter
    ○ Proof of membership of their NMO
    ○ Proof of young doctor status
    ○ An essential letter of recommendation from their National Delegate if the candidate is not themselves a National Delegate, or from their NEC if the candidate is a National Delegate themselves and their country has a NEC.
    ○ Up to three desirable letters of recommendation:
    ■ From their NMO
    ■ A maximum of two letters from other EYFDM members

  • International Women’s Day 2023

    We are the new SIG Women’s Health and we would like you to join us and celebrate Women’s Day.

    This year we want to make a special mention to all those women who suffer daily the consequences of their environment.
    Those women who pay the consequences of living in disadvantage. It can be war, can be peace.
    It can be north or south, east to west.

    Those women for whom society has thought silence is the best treat to receive.
    Those women who are deprived of power of decision, of voice.
    Those who cannot vote.
    Those women who are not allowed to speak for themselves.
    Those women whose opinion is not taken into consideration.

    Despite women being briefly half of the world population, we are still considered a minority.

    But we can change that.
    We can raise our voices together and fight for equity. That gap that we try to close daily can be smaller tomorrow.

    We, as doctors, have the exquisite privilege of sharing our opinion and this can be listened to.

    We do celebrate Women’s Day.
    And we want to keep celebrating every eighth of March.
    For us, for them and for the ones who are to come.

  • Website additions

    I’m currently finishing the migration attempts from the old website. Besides converting all past bursary and award winners I excavated a lot of old hippokrates reports. Feel free to browse them for urgent Exchange stimulation.

  • Junior Researcher Award 23

    Showcase your beautiful research at WONCA Conference Brussels and win the prize money.

  • Bursaries WONCA Brussels

    Deadline March 20 – up to 1000€ for Preconference & Conference in Brussels.

  • Fons Sips Award 2023

    The Fons Sips Award was created in order to ensure that the heritage and history of the movement was not forgotten and in order to recognise great
    work and contribution of its members.
    The winner of the biannual Fons Sips Outstanding Achievement Award becomes EYFDM’s nominee for the WONCA World Rising Star Award. It is our privilege and honor to present one of the EYFDM members side by side with other YDM’s candidates to the world audience of family physicians.

  • Our new logo

    Dear Friends,

    a big moment for our still young organisation.

    The comprehensive process of choosing our future identity was sucessfully completed. The last step, after council selected from strong candidates, was finalising the new logo.

    The website is still work in progress and will receive a personalized template and more content needs to be transferred and added in some sections. As this is much simpler now we can assure you there will be more updates than before.