We are reopening the call for Image Officer Elections! Please find the role descriptions by clicking on this link, as well as the Elections Organisational Policy which details eligibility criteria and the elections process. This election will be held online by electronic voting.
Please consider applying, and also share this with anyone who you think might be interested in applying for the roles! If you have any questions or would like to have a discussion with existing executive members, please email secretary@eyfdm.eu and this can be arranged.
We invite eligible candidates to apply, by sending the following documents to secretary@eyfdm.eu by 4th July 2023.
Documents needed:
○ Curriculum Vitae
○ Motivational Letter
○ Proof of membership of their NMO
○ Proof of young doctor status
○ An essential letter of recommendation from their National Delegate if the candidate is not themselves a National Delegate, or from their NEC if the candidate is a National Delegate themselves and their country has a NEC.
○ Up to three desirable letters of recommendation:
■ From their NMO
■ A maximum of two letters from other EYFDM members
You will also need to record a 3 minute video presentation to be circulated to council detailing some of your background and why you would be good in the role (usually this would be done live at a council meeting but as this is an online election we would need this recorded in advance and submitted alongside your application). Voting will be done electronically – details and deadlines for voting procedure will be clarified soon.
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