Upcoming vacancies

Dear EYFDM Members,

We are pleased to announce that we have two upcoming vacancies on the EYFDM Executive. Stuart Holmes will finish his Presidency in 2025, so a new President Elect will be elected this year. Ana Cristina Franco Spinola’s term as Policy Officer is also ending, and while she is unsure if she will restand, we encourage applications. Please click on the links below to read more about the role descriptions.
President Elect
Policy Officer

The elections will take place in September.

  • Candidates must be:
  • member of their WONCA Europe National Member Organization (NMO)
  • trainee family medicine specialist or within 5 years of qualifying
  • Not an active member of the Executive or Council of WONCA Europe or WONCA World

The following documents are required:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivational Letter
  • National Member Organization (NMO) membership proof
  • Young doctor status proof
  • Essential letter of recommendation from their National Delegate (from their National Exchange Coordinator if the candidate is a National Delegate themselves and their country has a NEC)
  • Up to 3 desirable letters of recommendation:
    • From their NMO
    • A maximum of 2 letters from other EYFDM members

See EYFDM Elections Policy which details the full eligibility criteria and the required documents to apply.

Applications are now open, the deadline to apply is 27th August 2024.

To apply, ask questions or get more information, please email secretary.