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Abstract Submission Deadline is approaching fast and is set to 16 April 2023.
The 62nd EQuiP Conference will take place in Dublin-Ireland between 12-13 May 2023. The preliminary Conference Programme can be viewed here.
Our 2023 conference theme is to focus a spotlight on the wide range of quality activities in Europe, the “Hot Topics” of quality. Delegates will exchange knowledge and innovations, and this promotes future networking among professionals.
We invite you to submit abstracts for short panel presentations within symposia to update colleagues on current and recent publications, projects and project proposals that shine a spotlight on quality of care in GP/FM. The abstracts can be based on your personal work, or the outputs of your institution or based on the work of colleagues in your national college / national WONCA Europe member organisation for GP/FM. The theme of each plenary symposium will be decided by abstracts received.
We look forward to welcoming you to Dublin!
Dr Andrée Rochfort, President of EQUIP
ICGP Director of Quality Improvement
Check out our own preconference overview or head directly to the conference website. The only thing you definitely shouldn’t do is sitting on the fence.